Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fare Evasion Update August 2012

The MBTA Transit Police encourages and always welcomes feedback from the MBTA community. Oftentimes we hear concerns of fare evaders who brazenly walk in behind a paying customer without paying their fare. This tactic is known as “piggybacking”.  To address these concerns from our MBTA community, Transit Police Chief Paul MacMillan instituted a concentrated crackdown on fare evasion naming the initiative “Operation Fare Game”.  This operation commenced the week of July 9th.

The fines for fare evasion have been increased from 15 dollars to 50 dollars for a first offence, 100 dollars for a second offence and 300 dollars for a third and subsequent offence. Additionally one must respond within 30 days, failure to request an appeal or pay the fine within that time period will result in the non-renewal of their Massachusetts Driver’s License.

During “Operation Fare Game” Transit Police officers have issued 636 fare evasion citations, TPD Chief MacMillan stated “ Through our selective fare enforcement efforts, we are trying to gain compliance in paying one’s fare to utilize the MBTA.  We also feel this is also an attempt at fairness. (No pun intended). Our honest fare paying customers should expect that we will enforce the law, in fact, many have applauded our efforts.”.   Chief MacMillan further added “ we are grateful the Massachusetts legislature included the new fine structure into the Transportation bill allowing us a more meaningful tool to address the issue of fare evasion”.   

The TPD will continue to enforce fare evasion violations throughout the system in the coming months. As always, while riding the MBTA if you See Something Say Something. Call 617-222-1212 for emergencies or use our See Say apps for IPhone and Android users.
